Kane County

Referendum #1

To pay for public safety purposes, shall the County of Kane be authorized to impose an increase on its share of local sales taxes by 0.75%?
This would mean that a consumer would pay an additional $0.75 in sales tax for every $100 of tangible personal property bought at retail.

Kaneland Community Unit School District 302

Referendum #1

Shall the Board of Education of Kaneland Community Unit School District Number 302, Kane and DeKalb Counties, Illinois, alter, repair and equip school buildings and improve the sites thereof, including but not limited to repairing and replacing infrastructure and mechanical systems; replacing roofs and updating playgrounds at the elementary school buildings; improving learning spaces, restrooms, the main entrance and athletic facilities at the Kaneland High School Building and building and equipping a field house addition thereto; build and equip maintenance and transportation facilities; and issue its bonds to the amount of $140,274,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?